Simple Recipes

Breakfast in My Quarantine: Egg Bites & Dalgona Coffee

Since I've started quarantining, breakfast has become the highlight of my morning...and sometimes my day. It's my reason to wake up early. Now with time and options, mornings are something to get excited about. My days of grabbing coffee while rushing off to work, or enjoying breakfast post-run with friends at a restaurant are gone,… Continue reading Breakfast in My Quarantine: Egg Bites & Dalgona Coffee

Simple Recipes

Amy’s Quarantine Cookies

It's taken self-isolation to get me writing and an order to stay home to get me baking. When I was young, think pre-teen, I used to raid my Mom's cupboards for baking ingredients and whip up jam squares and other creations. I'd thumb through her well-loved cookbooks, but I could never settle on a recipe,… Continue reading Amy’s Quarantine Cookies

National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) · Simple Recipes

Rice Porridge: NaBloPoMo Day 9

Day 9 - What is your favourite breakfast and why? My favourite morning food is rice porridge, known as cháo in Vietnamese and jok (โจ๊ก) in Thai. The memories I have of this fragrant and flavourful porridge, garnished with green onions and ginger, are rich and plentiful. I usually had it with pork, but sometimes chicken, and… Continue reading Rice Porridge: NaBloPoMo Day 9